Writers Needed For WAH Blog

Regular readers will remember that I started a team writing blog targeted at WAH Moms & Dads. The blog was started as part of a project over at The Advisory Panel.

One of the original writers has had to drop out due to time constraints, so we’re looking for a replacement. What you’d get out of the deal:

o) You put affiliate links into your posts and keep any income from those
o) You get an equal share of any revenue generated by the site itself (adsense, etc)

What you’d have to do:

o) Write one post a week on a work at home topic
o) Be willing to do some minimal keyword research on blog post topics
o) Join the Advisory Panel (that’s where we manage our work)

If you think you’re interested, give me a link to your existing blog so I can see writing style, quality of writing, etc. If you don’t write on WAH topics, then I’d also want to see a sample article of the sort you think would be appropriate for the blog. You’ll retain all rights to the sample article, and it won’t be used on the blog unless you’re accepted as a writer.

This is a great opportunity especially if you don’t have an existing blog, and want to get started without all the pressure of writing multiple posts each week, technical maintenance of the blog, etc.

2 Replies to “Writers Needed For WAH Blog”

  1. Going multi-author cuts down the time needed for each author, so helps a lot since most of us are in the same situation, with not a lot of time. That’s probably why they’re popular. Differing points of view are always fun, too.

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