Traffic Wave Tutorial #3

It’s time to create the thank you pages for our autoresponder.

This isn’t strictly necessary, since Traffic Wave provides generic thank you pages for us. But, for the same reasons we hosted our own opt-in page when Traffic Wave would have provided one for us, it’s a good idea to host our own thank you pages. By hosting our own, we can use Google Analytics to measure drop outs down the sign up funnel, and we can provide more useful thank you pages than what Traffic Wave provides.

There are two thank you pages we’ll need to write. One will thank the user for filling out the opt-in form and pressing Submit, and the other will thank them for clicking the confirmation link they are then sent.

Basic Skeleton

Use the same basic page skeleton for each page, to maintain a consistent look. I recommend using a branded logo at the top, and the ebook or product cover on the left. See my own pages for Link Cloaking 101 for a simple example. These pages do not have to be fancy, they need to load quickly and provide the information the user needs.

Opt-in Thank You

You’ll hear a lot about how you should provide one-time-offers on your thank you pages. The opt-in thank you page is not that page!

The only purpose of the opt-in thank you page is to encourage the person to click the confirmation link they’ll be sent. They are not your subscriber yet, they’ve just expressed an interest in being your subscriber. Traffic Wave uses a double opt-in process, so they only become your subscriber when they click on the confirmation link. So the opt-in thank you page should give them instructions on what email address the email will be coming from, suggest they white list it, and give them a link back to the opt-in page in case they need to try again with a different email address.

Confirmation Thank You

This page thanks them for becoming a subscriber, and this is the one where you want to put a one-time offer if you choose to do so, or a link to a related site that you have a relationship with (or your own related site).

A one-time offer on this page must be laser targeted to the topic of your list. If you’ve just given away an ebook, don’t assume they’ve read it yet (after all, they just clicked on the confirmation link!) Personally, I don’t use or like one-time offers on thank you pages. But, they are a great place for a link or two to other sites that you’d like your subscribers to visit.

Upload Both Pages

Put both pages on your web server in whatever location you like. Make sure that you can type the URL for both into your web browser and see the correct pages come up. We’ll use those URLs in the next tutorial when we create our opt-in page.

Almost there!

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