Stealth Money Maker Review

Stealth Money Maker is a site that offers a free report on how to “…earn over $100,000 per year from home”.

My first impression of the site is that it’s production values are higher than similar sites. Someone spent some money hiring a graphic designer to make it all look professional.

The free report is provided as promised, in exchange for your name and email. The report itself is equally well put together, and looks very professional. It gives, in my opinion, not enough detail to really help someone who is completely new to Internet Marketing. But the information is sound, especially if you’re willing to tackle the “trial and error” method of learning which is what we all end up doing anyway.

The money maker for the site owner comes in the back end offer. After you’ve signed up for the free report, you’re given a chance to purchase a huge collection of software and ebooks for $50. The collection is impressive for the software included alone, and is worth the $50 to get it all in one place.

The site owner, however, doesn’t make any money from the $50 you pay for the collection. No, 100% of that goes to whoever referred you to the site (me, for example, if you click the links in this post).

What you’re also offered, as an add on to the collection, is the opportunity to refer people to the website. You pay an additional $27.75 (or something like that) for the right to get 100% of what other people spend on the collection.

So the site owner makes $27.75 per affiliate who joins. That isn’t too bad, since his entire setup is automatic, requiring no action on his part. He does process email questions about the collection, so he’s earning his money.

It’s worth it to sign up for the free report, and then clicking to get your affiliate site (you won’t be asked to pay yet), just to see the way the owner lays out all the terms and conditions. He leaves nothing to chance, and answers every question you might have about the collection and the affiliate site.

The entire site screams “professional”, and that’s really what a prospective Internet Marketer should get out of it. Study the copy…it may not be the best sales copy in the world, as the owner claims, but it is good. And the site itself is up front and transparent about how everything is going to work. And the high production values continue throughout, making it all pleasant to navigate and work with.

By the time you pay your money, you know exactly what will happen, and there are no surprises. If only every product site were like that!

Note that while the free ebook was short on details, if you purchase the affiliate site, you get access to a ton of training material the owner has written, covering topics like traffic exchanges, link cloaking, classified ads, PPC, and more. He includes advertising copy, banners, etc. Basically everything you need to market the site to others.

Click here for the site.

P.S. If you purchase the collection and use Firefox, get the Download Them All plugin. Start it going when you go to bed, and by morning the entire collection will be on your hard drive.

52 Replies to “Stealth Money Maker Review”

  1. [quote post=”486″]ITS ALL B.S DONT BELIEVE IT…….[/quote]

    Hi Terry, if you were a bit more specific, I could probably address your comment, but I’m not sure what you think is B.S. The free report, the collection, my blog post, ???

  2. [quote comment=””][quote post=”486″]ITS ALL B.S DONT BELIEVE IT…….[/quote]

    Hi Terry, if you were a bit more specific, I could probably address your comment, but I’m not sure what you think is B.S. The free report, the collection, my blog post, ???[/quote]

    Hi! There was a few years ago a very compelling offer that later turned out to be a scam, and many people fell for it.It was called They promised a profit of $100.000 in a couple of months time.This has some of the same “features”.Do you know if this one works?

  3. Hi Tom, I don’t know the details of the offer, but the Stealth Money Maker is a legitimate offer. He basically bought resale rights to a ton of products, and is reselling them for $50. The free report is just his bait to get people to consider buying the collection.

    And following off the success of the $7 formula, he allows affiliates to pocket the entire $50 when they refer a customer. He gets to build a mailing list, and pockets the $27.75 for making someone an affiliate.

    Whether it works or not depends entirely on whether you refer the sorts of people who are likely to purchase the collection or not. It’s attractive, in the sense that one sale earns you back your fee for becoming an affiliate, plus some.

    And the products are actually quite nice. I’m slowly going through the collection, but the graphics I’ve seen so far are a cut above the usual free graphics packages (buttons, headers, etc).

  4. This is another scam from Mr. Davies. I purchased his income4beginners software collection a few months back for $40. I only made $160 from it and all of a sudden my paypal button stop working because he took it down. He did not contact any of his affiliates. Then I was forced to get AlertyPay to continue promoting income4beginners. Never got anymore sales after that. Now what you do know…my affiliate link no longer works….why???? Because is gone…history…because it now points to StealthMoneyMaker.Com. This is major BS. StealthMoneyMaker.Com is another temporary thing for Mr. Davies. He will take your money and shut down the site eventually. Don’t be suckered by the software collection. Alot of it is old stuff floating around the internet that you can get for free.

  5. Hi Lisa, that’s the case with all these sorts of collections, they’re mostly stuff you can get for free in other sites, or for fairly low cost. But they’re packaged together and convenient, which makes it worth the money for some.

    [quote post=”486″]He will take your money and shut down the site eventually.[/quote]

    That’s possible…personally, I never plan on any Internet site being around for long. A year is a loooong time in Internet terms, so a few months is about what I expect from a brand new site. That said, with everything being automatic, it would be suspicious to have the site taken down (it should run on autopilot as long as the hosting is paid for).

  6. I agree with Jay that alot of this stuff is just repackaged, but that is 99% of online opportunities. they’re good while they last. i don’t agree with Lisa’s comments about this being income4beginners or anything to do with jon davies. stealth money maker by a man called alan humphreys? how are they the same person? i was in i4b, and i noticed my site now pointed to stealthmoneymaker so i emailed them to ask what was going on. he told me he had purchased income4beginners expired domain when it was up for sale. his explanation actually made a lot of sense (to me anyway). doesn’t seem like anything scammy to me. the scammer was jon davies when he shut up shop without telling any of us.

    jay, have you made any sales with this one? i’m not a member yet but i’m thinking about it. has it realy worked for you?

  7. Hi Sam, thanks for the comments, and the info about the I4B domain.

    [quote post=”486″]jay, have you made any sales with this one? i’m not a member yet but i’m thinking about it. has it realy worked for you?[/quote]

    About all I’ve done is the review here, and sending some traffic exchange traffic to my affiliate link. I’ve made one sale, which made me back the cost of my purchase. One more would put me into profit, which is what makes it attractive.

    If I were pushing it a bit harder, reviewing the individual items in the collection, it’d probably sell better for me.

  8. This is a fantastic review for the program and yes, it is similar and does have some of the downfalls of Income4Beginners. People need something that is almost literally plug and play to make it work for them. Most people, without adequate REAL resources, supports, and marketing tools, have a difficult time making sales with even the small ticket items.

    I can say that I have purchased and reviewed hundreds of programs over the years and this is certainly one of the easiest. Whether or not people succeed and the extent they do depends on how much they do with it, if they have access to the right advantages to give them a leg-up, and if they have the right mentoring to be successful.

    Traffic and marketing is where it is as we all know so it is necessary to plug into some good sources of traffic and marketing that has been made easy enough that anyone can do it. Will people make millions? Probably not… but can they do very well with this type of program? Absolutely!

  9. [quote post=”486″]Most people, without adequate REAL resources, supports, and marketing tools, have a difficult time making sales with even the small ticket items.[/quote]

    This is really the critical point, and one I’ve made in many posts on this blog. No program will replace building the skills you need to market online. Stealth Money Maker is a nice program to market, but unless you have the skills and spend the time and energy marketing it appropriately, you won’t have much success with it.

    Granted, you only need two sales to break even, so it might be worth practicing your skills with it. But the program itself, even with the training material available when you become an affiliate, will not sell itself.

  10. I have been contacted by Alan Humphreys because of my comments he found on the internet about which now points to He gave me the story that he bought and that he has nothing to do with a man named Jon Davies.

    He might be innocent but don’t you think it is VERY IRONIC that he bought a domain name from an old program that has practically the same business concept. At you got a free report sent to you that showed you how to make money with a collection of ebooks and software that cost $40. Well StealthMoneyMaker.Com is basically the same thing you get a free report but its about making money with clickbank. But then your introduced to a large collection of ebooks and software for $50. I will admit this collection is far more better than what was offered at income4beginners. It’s very nice.

    My only reason for writing my previous comment was because I noticed the domain income4beginner pointed to and had similarities in what they offered. Am I the only one that doesn’t see this?

    I am just like many people around the world that have desire to make money online and invest their money on something to later find out it is no longer available. I no longer have access to my income4beginners website and the collection of ebooks and softwares that was supposed to be updated monthly.

    I am only looking out for other people….that’s all. I will give Alan Humphrey the benefit of the doubt that he is not related to income4beginners and hope his system is successful for many people. I just think he shouldn’t have bought that domain name. There’s alot of angry people out there from the income4beginners program.

    I get emails from people who bought the income4beginners program from me and it makes me feel bad that it no longer exists and I took their money. But it happened to me too. It’s just not fair.

    Again, I hope is not a scam.

    Jay, Thank you for allowing people to place comments here and for being very professional.

  11. [quote post=”486″]He might be innocent but don’t you think it is VERY IRONIC that he bought a domain name from an old program that has practically the same business concept.[/quote]

    At one level it makes a lot of sense to do that. The sort of people who are going to the old domain name are looking for that sort of program, and are likely to be interested in the new one.

    On another level, though, you might have, as you say, a lot of irate people who think anything related to I4B is a scam. Hard to say which way I’d decide if I were putting the program up.

    One of the differences I see between what I’ve heard about I4B and SMM is that SMM makes no claims to the library being added. What you see is what you get. This seems like it’d make it more likely the website will be around for a longer period of time, since Alan doesn’t have to put energy into building a larger library.

    Time will tell, though.

    [quote post=”486″]Jay, Thank you for allowing people to place comments here and for being very professional.[/quote]

    You’re welcome! I’m glad that everyone feels comfortable enough commenting here to share their negative experiences along with the positive.

  12. Hello. I recently did a review on the ebook for the money-making scheme Income 4 Beginners, which I believed to be a blatant scam. Shortly after my top-ranking review was published online in September, Jon Davies yanked his Income 4 Beginners scheme, website and all. People who had purchased the ebook found that their affilate links no longer worked. Sure enough, this guy yanked the rug out from underneath everybody.

    Please, please, please do NOT invest your time or money in this system. I firmly believe that its owner is running a pyramid scheme, if not several pyramid schemes. I believe that many people have lost money, which has gone to fill Jon Davies’ pockets. I have had many responses from people who purchased the system and could not easily resell it as he claimed.

  13. Hi Jennifer, thanks for the comment.

    [quote post=”486″]I have had many responses from people who purchased the system and could not easily resell it as he claimed.[/quote]

    Alan does make some over the top claims. His “this is the best sales letter ever” made me laugh out loud.

    The fact is, though, that nothing sells itself, and anyone who buys into a program thinking it does needs to do a lot more research into learning Internet Marketing skills. There’s a lot to be learned to be able to sell anything online, no matter what it is.

    I think that Alan does a good job with his training material on the SMM website. He’s upfront that traffic exchanges won’t give you a good response, which is more than most other sites (they generally hype up that you’ll make lots of sales on traffic exchanges).

    So, absolutely, the program will not sell itself if you just send junk traffic to the page. I’d recommend that anyone who thinks it will spend time learning Internet Marketing skills with programs that are free to join before investing in something like SMM.

  14. This is for Jennifer – From the Q&A section:

    Q. Is this legal?

    A. Of course it is! That’s a bit of a silly question! How could this be in anyway illegal or even remotely not on the level? Is selling cars illegal? What about selling furniture? This is no different. When you use this system you will simply be selling a collection of valuable digital products, and when you make a sale, you’ll make money, just like selling anything else. At no point will you earn any money or receive any reward for recruiting new members, building downlines, or anything else like that. There’s no fancy pay plan, no matrixes, no pyramid formations or any of that other shady stuff. You will only ever make money from the direct sale of the product. Make 1 sale and get 1 $50 payment…….it’s a simple exchange of goods for money, just like every other form of direct sales. It’s just like a regular affiliate program, but with this one, you get paid directly and instantly, without having to wait for me to send you a cheque once or twice a month in the post. Plus with this one, you get 100% of the sale commission instead of a smaller percentage so it’s much better than anything else you’ve ever seen.

  15. Paypal doesn’t deal with “pyramids” and thats all this is. You buy something and sell it to someone else and they do the same and so on. So paypal will stop the payments on their part from taking place and u will be left with alertpay and not many people deal with alertpay so u will have a very hard time making sales. This is what happened to income4beginners. You may of noticed that the paypal button dissappeared and only the alertpay button was an option for payment and then soon after the whole site dissappeared. I wanna try it but the paypal button will be gone soon and then ur basically screwed. 🙁

  16. Hi Steve, what Paypal doesn’t like is MLM, which is when you get paid not only for your personal referrals, but their personal referrals, and so on. Stealth Money Maker is a simple affiliate sale…you get paid only for the people you sell to, you make absolutely nothing from the people they sell to. It’s no different from an affiliate link to or any other affiliate link.

  17. Hi Rebecca, I haven’t really been marketing SMM…when you write a blog that does a lot of reviews, you don’t have much time to focus on selling a particular product.

    But on the strength of this blog post about SMM, I’ve made three sales. That’s $150 to me, minus the $50 I paid for the collection and the $27.75 I paid to be able to sell the collection, for a net profit so far of $72.72.

    If I were to write a Squidoo page and Hub page about it, that figure would go up.

  18. I had the same exact experience as Lisa S with income4beginners. If this Alan Humphries guy is actually a different person than Jon Davies, it seems as if he’s setting himself up for the same fate (a program that eventually doesn’t work and lots of angry former customers). The reason Davies was forced to switch payment processors from PayPal to Alert Pay was because people’s PayPal accounts were getting SHUT DOWN as a result of using I4B. If SMM is using PayPal, then the same thing is will happen, since it’s basically the same offer as I4B under a different name. Of course, he could just switch to AlertPay, but you know how that goes…

    It’s telling that you seemed to imply earlier that these type of internet marketing sites going belly up suddenly is the norm. And the thing is, it’s TRUE. But there are also sites like Commission Junction and Linkshare that have been around for years, and aren’t likely to go anywhere anytime soon. If someone’s looking to make an income online, I’d strongly suggest affiliating with companies that are reputable and have been around for a long time. You might not make $100K in your first years like Mr. Humphries is promising, but you also won’t have your cash flow dry up overnight without a word.

  19. Hi Keith, you’re not really comparing apples to apples by comparing SMM with CJ or LinkShare. The latter are affiliate marketplaces, not individual programs. The individual programs in the marketplaces may come and go, but the marketplace itself remains.

    That said, you’re certainly right that there are affiliate opportunities that are more long-lived than the sort of thing SMM represents. The commissions are also lower on those, so there’s a trade-off.

    It really depends on your niche…find products that the people in your niche care about, and presell those products. SMM isn’t likely to appeal to anyone except the make money online crowd.

  20. Hello.

    Carmela Altman here: 520-723-4094
    I too got suckered into the income4beginners income opportunity deal for $40.00 dollars. I sent an e-mail to Davies and he answered me and gave some assistance to how to get assistance. Anyhow can’t get that now. All of sudden poofed he was gone.

    Hope someone finds him or her and gaves him or her a taster of their own medicine.

    But anyhow that what we get for being ignorant and falling for someone else products or services to sell instead or inventing our own.

    Hope everyone is not suffering to much.

  21. Hi Carmela, product creation is absolutely the way to go for anyone serious at Internet Marketing.

    Even the SMM site is a good example of one person creating a “product” by repackaging other items and wrapping an affiliate opportunity around it. It’s something that anyone could do, yet few people do.

    Of course, products that are truly original work will do better in the long run, but you’ll find that most of the IM related products out there are outsourced or PLR, and not the work of the official author.

  22. Heh, cunning. A referral site disguised as a review of the site you’re referring to. Convince people it’s a good deal, give them the link, watch the money roll in.
    [quote comment=”22892″]
    Whether it works or not depends entirely on whether you refer the sorts of people who are likely to purchase the collection or not. [/quote]

    Indeed, and the people searching for information on whether this is a scam or not fit that profile nicely if you can convince them it’s not, yeah? 😉

  23. Hi Toke, I’ve been honest about who the program will work for, and who it won’t work for. Sure, I post my referral link, so that if someone decides to buy based on my review, I get the credit.

    But I’m not out to convince anyone of anything. If I were, I’d be a bit more glowing in my praise of the program, and lie through my teeth about my own results. That isn’t my thing…I do honest reviews. Look through some of my other reviews on the site (e.g. my Bigorilla review) to see that not every program gets even a lukewarm review.

  24. [quote comment=””]Hi Toke, I’ve been honest about who the program will work for, and who it won’t work for. Sure, I post my referral link, so that if someone decides to buy based on my review, I get the credit.

    But I’m not out to convince anyone of anything. If I were, I’d be a bit more glowing in my praise of the program, and lie through my teeth about my own results. That isn’t my thing…I do honest reviews. Look through some of my other reviews on the site (e.g. my Bigorilla review) to see that not every program gets even a lukewarm review.[/quote]

    Heh, well you’re being up-front about it at least, so it’s cool really. I just found it sort of ironic, since how can you be completely objective about something you yourself are a part of? and isn’t it the duty of a reviewer to be completely unbiased?
    But yeah, nice to see you’re honest about it.

  25. [quote post=”486″]I just found it sort of ironic, since how can you be completely objective about something you yourself are a part of? and isn’t it the duty of a reviewer to be completely unbiased?[/quote]

    That’s a good point. I do my best, and ultimately I only stay a part of programs that I give at least lukewarm reviews to (since if I give a negative review of it, I don’t waste my time paying into it).

    For programs like SMM, though, it’s hard to review it without having bought into it. Since you don’t see everything without going all the way into it.

    Kind of a catch-22 for people looking for reviews of the program.

  26. I used to be with I4B before Davies shut down the site which really pissed me off. I am doubt with SMM, the system is no differ from I4B. The only things that need to be worry about are, Will paypal freeze my account for involving with SMM, and how long does SMM going to last? Hope it doesn’t turn out like Income4beginner

  27. This conversation is hilarious!

    Toke – you, for one, know no one is unbiased. Where is the law that states that reviewers should be both un-biased and without profit motive in their endeavors? You mean like journalists? You fiegn naivety and offer only inuendo.

    All of us must remember: Internet Marketing is a skill! It’s a business! That is it requires education and an investment of time, effort and money. This investment should be handled exactly like any other investment:
    1. Do your own due dilligence (Learn what this means if you don’t know)
    2. Never invest more than you can afford to lose (!!!!!!!!!!)
    3. Create a diversified portfolio (or products)
    4. Cut your losses quickly and move on!
    5. Ride the gains until they stop (then go to #4)
    6. Go back to #1. Reinvest (rinse and repeat ;0)

    In business you are going to have losses. Get over it. The object is to have more gains than losses. This is why we seek Multiple Streams of Income. Right?

    So, lets quit playing the “Blame Game” and get back to work!

    Oh yeah – and “beware of geeks bearing gifts”

    Warmest regards to all,
    – John

  28. When have you joined it Jay? How many sells have you made till the date? I would like to know more about paypal account problem. Is paypal account still working with SMM?

  29. [quote comment=””]When have you joined it Jay? How many sells have you made till the date? I would like to know more about paypal account problem. Is paypal account still working with SMM?[/quote]

    Hi Nitin, I joined SMM shortly before the post was written, so assume a couple days before Feb 1. To date I’ve made 6 sales. My Paypal account is still working fine (the most recent sale was today, May 13th), although note that SMM allows a variety of payment methods to be used. You don’t have to offer Paypal if you choose not to.

  30. Hi Jay,

    Before I decided to join SMM via you. I do not understand what is the “additional $27.75 to pay for the right to get 100% of what other people spend on the collection”? Beside of paying $50 for the product, and do I have to pay an addition of $27.75 for the resell right? Thanks

  31. Hi Ale, yes, the collection itself is $50, but the rights to resell it for $50 are an extra $27.75. For just the basic $50, you get the collection itself. Some of the items in the collection come with resale rights, but you’d need to create your own sales page for those items specifically. The $27.75 gives you a referral URL to the SMM package itself.

  32. [quote comment=””]Hi Ale, yes, the collection itself is $50, but the rights to resell it for $50 are an extra $27.75. For just the basic $50, you get the collection itself. Some of the items in the collection come with resale rights, but you’d need to create your own sales page for those items specifically. The $27.75 gives you a referral URL to the SMM package itself.[/quote]

    If I pay only $50 (exclude $27.75) for SMM, then refer someone to make the purchase from SMM. Will I get the $50 ? Did you invest an additional $27.75 ? Thanks

  33. [quote post=”486″]f I pay only $50 (exclude $27.75) for SMM, then refer someone to make the purchase from SMM. Will I get the $50 ?[/quote]

    No, you don’t get a referral URL to SMM unless you pay the extra amount.

    [quote post=”486″]Did you invest an additional $27.75 ? [/quote]

    I did personally, because I intended to do this review, and wanted to review the entire process. It’s worked out well for me, I’ve made about 8 sales so far with minimal promotion.

  34. I’ve bought into this program. I am going to promote it like it’s my

    new baby. So everyone can see it!

    Seen a lot of good reviews.

    [quote comment=””][quote post=”486″]f I pay only $50 (exclude $27.75) for SMM, then refer someone to make the purchase from SMM. Will I get the $50 ?[/quote]

    No, you don’t get a referral URL to SMM unless you pay the extra amount.

    [quote post=”486″]Did you invest an additional $27.75 ? [/quote]

    I did personally, because I intended to do this review, and wanted to review the entire process. It’s worked out well for me, I’ve made about 8 sales so far with minimal promotion.[/quote]

  35. Hi, I bought into smm in feb and this week PayPal have frozen my account because its against there rules (?)…
    they will not listen, and i can get NO RESPONSE from Allan Humprheys
    through his email address on the site, i have sent him 5 emails requesting he removes the paypal payment button as that is the only way i can get my account back, i have explained all that in my emails and he still has not responded, not VERY PROFFESSIONAL i will not purchase anything from him again.

  36. Hi Roy, did PayPal say which rule you had violated? I’ve had no problems with my account. You should be able to update the payment buttons yourself, using the link in the PDF you downloaded originally, where you set up the payment buttons in the first place.

  37. [quote comment=””]Hi Roy, did PayPal say which rule you had violated? I’ve had no problems with my account. You should be able to update the payment buttons yourself, using the link in the PDF you downloaded originally, where you set up the payment buttons in the first place.[/quote]

    Roy, what did paypal say which rule you violated? I would very much like to know so I don’t run into the same problem. Have you been making alot of sales with the program?

  38. Hi

    I used to promote a similar program unfortunately Paypal restricted my access saying that they do not allow “MLM” or “get rich quick” product. After I removed my paypal button from my site they restored my account back to normal.

  39. hi, i will like to know if someone can help me, i’m having trouble receiving payments through the website. i have a paypal account but i don’t know how can i integrate my account into the website. please reply thank you

  40. You should have received a PDF file to download as part of the sign up process that has the links in it for updating your payment options. If you’ve lost that, you’ll have to email the admin.

  41. [quote comment=””]You should have received a PDF file to download as part of the sign up process that has the links in it for updating your payment options. If you’ve lost that, you’ll have to email the admin.[/quote]

    I just checked the PDF again and you can’t update your payment button. When you click on the button, it redirects you to a page here

    Am I the only one that gets that?

  42. What is happening to Stealth Money Maker website. The site is unaccessible. It shown “Error403 Forbidden”. Anyone got any idea what’s going on. I sent email to Alan but didn’t get reply.

  43. [quote comment=””]What is happening to Stealth Money Maker website. The site is unaccessible. It shown “Error403 Forbidden”. Anyone got any idea what’s going on. I sent email to Alan but didn’t get reply.[/quote]

    I get the same error. Hard to say if it’s a temporary problem with the web server, or a permanent problem with the site itself (e.g. the owner decided to abandon it).

    Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

  44. [quote comment=””]What is happening to Stealth Money Maker website. The site is unaccessible. It shown “Error403 Forbidden”. Anyone got any idea what’s going on. I sent email to Alan but didn’t get reply.[/quote]

    I’m sure he’s abandon it. I had a feeling it would turn out like income4beginners. I honestly think Alan and Jon Davies are the same person. Alan Humphrey is probably a ficticious name. I feel bad for anyone who bought this program recently and paid the $50 and $27.75 and didn’t make a return on investment.

  45. I don’t understand the rationale for abandoning a site like that, if that’s what has happened.

    I mean, look at the numbers…$5 a month for a hosting account that will run a dozen web sites like that easily, plus $9 a year for the domain name. Why not just leave it up and let it continue to generate however many sales it will, even if it gets down to one sale a month…that’s still a profit.

  46. As I excitedly read Mr. Humphries’ bio I experienced a case of deja vu. I’m sure I read the same words on some other site, and since I own Income 4 Beginners maybe they are one and the same.

    That said, what if this really is a fly by night operation but but with a little attention people actually make a few bucks out of it?

  47. Apparently the site is back, which is good news.

    Brenda, that’s the attitude you have to approach programs like this with. Sure, it might be gone in a year or two, but in the meantime if you make more with it than you paid for it, you’re in profit.

  48. Whoops, accidentally deleted a comment by, I think, Witok? Anyway, the gist was that the site is back down, and the domain is now parked. Hard to tell what’s going on with it, but I would no longer suggest anyone investing in this until the situation stabilizes.

  49. [quote comment=””]Whoops, accidentally deleted a comment by, I think, Witok? Anyway, the gist was that the site is back down, and the domain is now parked. Hard to tell what’s going on with it, but I would no longer suggest anyone investing in this until the situation stabilizes.[/quote]

    I see the SMM site has been down for the best part of the last three days… again! I haven’t bothered to e mail Alan Humphreys as he didn’t reply to my mails last time. Am feeling very disappointed and ripped off – especially as I haven’t yet made one sale despite extensive advertising. Anyone got any further news?

  50. The way the domain is parked, I’d say that it wasn’t renewed when it came up for it. There is a 30-day grace period with domain renewals, but I wouldn’t hold out much hope. The site seems to be dead for good.

    No site lasts forever, but I’m sorry that you lost money on this particular one, Jill.

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