Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a big buzzword these days.
It’s big for a reason, too. Properly optimizing your pages so that search engines consider them relevant for a given keyword is one of the keys to getting ranked higher in search engines. And higher ranking means more traffic, which generally means more profits.
Search engine traffic is considered to be targeted traffic, because the potential customer has just typed in a keyword to search. Your page is optimized for that keyword, so presumably is going to give them exactly what they were looking for in the first place. You should have a good chance of selling them whatever it is you want to sell them.
So rule #1, target your pages to a keyword and make the page relevant to that keyword. There’s no point in optimizing a page for the keyword “iquana food” if you’re going to try and sell visitors musical chimes. Keyword research is an important part of optimizing your pages.
So, rule #2, pick good keywords. A good keyword is one that is highly relevant to your page content, has at least some search traffic, and has little competition.
The SEO Book is one of the best books I’ve seen on search engine optimization. It covers not only keyword research and writing keyword rich content, but page optimization and also delves into how the internal links between your pages affect search engines.
The SEO Book is highly recommended for anyone new to the topic. A wealth of detail, and the author also maintains a frequently updated blog that continues to give good information on how SEO changes over time.
In the next few posts, I’ll go into more detail on how I do SEO.