The traffic from my Revisitors case study is coming to a close on the Marketing Pond splash pages, and is about half over for this blog.
The Marketing Pond results have remained about the same since the last update. There are only about 400 out of 2,500 visitors left to arrive, and the click through rate has stuck at about 1%. To make money from this, you need to carefully compare the cost of the campaign with the benefits received.
In my case, I opted for the $20 for 2,500 visitors package. At a 1% click through rate, that gives me 25 people clicking through, or about $1.25 per person. Can you make more than $1.25 off a single person who takes an action such as clicking?
The blog traffic results have also remained the same. My original metric for success, the number of feed subscribers, has stayed the same (after adjusting for a jump due to being on the start of a couple of link trains). My modified metric for success, the amount of time people spend on the site, has remained at about 5 minutes, with some day to day fluctuation.
The majority of people are only seeing a single page, but about 15% look at two pages. Half that many look at three pages, half that many look at four pages, and so on.
Bounce rate is also about the same, with day to day fluctuations.
The traffic from Revisitors has been the majority of the traffic coming to the blog on any given day, and has not skewed the blog’s statistics toward high bounce rate or low time on site.
So I’d say that the data continues to support the idea that these are real people who are actually reading some portion of the site.
What’s the best use of this traffic?
Sending traffic to an Adsense monetized site might work well. The conversion rate for clicking on ads would no doubt be better than that for signing up for a program or mailing list. A close reading of the Adsense terms of service would be in order here, since I know they dislike having Adsense ads on pages used by traffic exchanges and popunder windows.
Anyone else have any results to share with Revisitors traffic?
I am 5 days into my campaign to an adsense monetized site. I order up the 5000 visitor plan, but they have only delivered 72 of the 5000. I hope it get going here pretty soon. I have not seen any movement in the CTR, so we will see. With just 72 visitors by their count there is not enough data to get excited or disappointed about just yet. I will do a mid campaign analysis to give everyone an update.
I do need to go read the TOS to make sure I am not doing something against the terms.
Hmm. That doesn’t sound like its producing at all. Well Good luck though. Check out my new promo if you have the time.
[quote post=”313″]With just 72 visitors by their count there is not enough data to get excited or disappointed about just yet.[/quote]
I’d agree, you’ll need a few hundred to start to get an idea of the click through rate. I’ll be looking forward to seeing what results you get with ad clicking.
[quote post=”313″]Check out my new promo if you have the time.[/quote]
Interesting! A sponsored contest in order to get backlinks to the sponsor. The prize is substantial enough you should get some good activity on it.
I just bought the $49 package and hope to get some visitors to my new affiliate program Olive Oil Goes MLM.
[quote comment=””]I just bought the $49 package and hope to get some visitors to my new affiliate program Olive Oil Goes MLM.[/quote]
Hi George, good luck with the advertising! Let us know what kind of results you get from it.
I found this page by looking to see if anyone used I was thinking of trying them out. Now I’m not too sure. I’m just looking for signups to my new free report at Anyone think revisitors traffic would be a good match for this?
Hi Rick, I’d suggest giving them a try with the minimum package to see what the conversion rate is. I did okay getting Marketing Pond signups, which is probably equivalent to free report signups.
[quote comment=””]Hi Rick, I’d suggest giving them a try with the minimum package to see what the conversion rate is. I did okay getting Marketing Pond signups, which is probably equivalent to free report signups.[/quote]
i was also considering buying traffic for them but reading more info about them i decided not to do so.. too many “scam” words in reviews 🙂
Hi, just wanted to say thank you for such a thorough series. I am quite new at this and don’t understand the technical aspects of tracking. I’ve got Stat Counter and right now the best I can do is see traffic hitting my page, which is helpful, but obviously I will need more than that to track where actual signups come from. I am pretty convinced from your review that they will deliver the traffic and I think it is worth a try for the price. I’m going to put it on my to do list and if I follow through, I’ll come back and let you know how I did. Again, thank you for the detail!
Hi Jacqueline, do let us know how it works out for you. It’s normal for traffic from any source to do well for one sort of business, and not for another.
As far as tracking goes, Google Analytics will give you more information than Stat Counter, and also allows tracking of signups (if the signup page is on your web site). I’d highly recommend it to get another whole view of your traffic.
Jay, thank you so much for the advice. I got signed up with Google Analytics and set goals for each site. It was very easy to do and I am quite excited about being able to have better reporting. That tip was worth its weight in gold! I had just purchased web site views for a splash page through BuyRefs last week and it is just beginning. Now, I will be able to see how they actually perform. I’ll let you know about them as well as their pricing is very reasonable. We’ll see if they deliver. Again, thank you.
So anybody see the result? Please give your experience.
[quote comment=”37526″]So anybody see the result? Please give your experience.[/quote]
I’m currently running a test directing traffic to a web site affiliate link. Results have been poor, so I’d say that the action you want them to take should not involve spending money. Building a list might work well, that’ll be my next test.
I bought the 5,000 visitor package from Revisitors then grabbed the $49 one time offer. So I got 25,000 visitors coming through to my lead capture squeeze page.
So far have had 176 sent. Will keep everyone updated on results.
Hi Steven, which of the traffic categories did you pick for your squeeze page?
[quote comment=””]Hi Steven, which of the traffic categories did you pick for your squeeze page?[/quote]
I got the “Home Business” category and USA Targeted. So far they have sent about 366 hits, nodda as far as opt-ins go. Still too early to tell how effective it will be though.
Visitors do seem to ‘hang out’ quite a bit the page, not sure if that because the visitors are reading and interested..or if its the fake hits generator lagging :p
Also I recently found out that my 20,000 visitor campaign started yesterday. They have sent 670 visitors from that campaign, so I’ve gotten about 1,000 hits in total, no opt-ins as of yet.
On purely traffic exchange traffic I usually average 1 opt-in for every 700 hits I send to my lead capture pages…so obviously the traffic quality from revisitors is a bit lower quality. Will keep posted.
[quote post=”313″]On purely traffic exchange traffic I usually average 1 opt-in for every 700 hits I send to my lead capture pages…so obviously the traffic quality from revisitors is a bit lower quality.[/quote]
That matches pretty well with what I’ve seen. The type of visitor is different from exchanges. A TE visitor knows they’ll be there for a limited time, and might look around a bit and maybe sign up if it’s free and relevant. A visitor was expecting to go some place different, and ends up on your site…maybe a more streamlined lead capture page would work better for someone like that?
I’m still working to find something that works well enough with traffic to make it viable to scale up traffic to higher levels. Revisitors itself recommends simple lead capture pages…maybe I’ll try one with a free download and see if it gets any action, partially to validate that it’s real people showing up.
[quote comment=””][quote post=”313″]On purely traffic exchange traffic I usually average 1 opt-in for every 700 hits I send to my lead capture pages…so obviously the traffic quality from revisitors is a bit lower quality.[/quote]
That matches pretty well with what I’ve seen. The type of visitor is different from exchanges. A TE visitor knows they’ll be there for a limited time, and might look around a bit and maybe sign up if it’s free and relevant. A visitor was expecting to go some place different, and ends up on your site…maybe a more streamlined lead capture page would work better for someone like that?
I’m still working to find something that works well enough with traffic to make it viable to scale up traffic to higher levels. Revisitors itself recommends simple lead capture pages…maybe I’ll try one with a free download and see if it gets any action, partially to validate that it’s real people showing up.[/quote]
You might be right, but my lead capture page is highly optimized for this “type” of traffic. Thus far I have received around 5000 visitors in total and have gotten around 2 free opt-ins (no sales) from this campaign. Not a FANTASTIC opt-in rate.
I have an embedded script on my capture page that will load into a web browser if the visitor is “real.” Any computer generated, or auto-hits software will rarely call up graphics on a page. But these visitors are definitely calling graphics, and even hanging around the page at times. This is either REALLY good fraud software, or the visitors are authentic.
I just don’t think the visitors are as “targeted” as advertised.
I’d agree that the traffic isn’t nearly as qualified as other sorts of traffic. You don’t know if they care about having a home business, or if they just saw an interesting link and clicked to surf a bit.
Picture a web surfer clicking on a link in an old blog post that he thinks is going to a home business forum. And instead he ends up at your lead capture page, with no idea why. At least a traffic exchange visitor knows he’s going to be viewing various pages, and is motivated enough about his business to be in the exchange in the first place (so is already qualified to the extent of taking that much action).
I keep thinking that there’s a way to approach traffic with the characteristics of that traffic in mind. A separate lead capture page, a free download, something that will appeal to the more casual surfer, as opposed to the one who has a more vested interest.
im thinking of sending 5000 visitors to a CPA offer where i get paid for somone to fill out an auto insurance application thats free..
does anyone think i should get some coversions?
[quote post=”313″]im thinking of sending 5000 visitors to a CPA offer where i get paid for somone to fill out an auto insurance application thats free..
does anyone think i should get some coversions?[/quote]
It’s worth a try, since that’s the only way you’ll know if the traffic will work for an offer like that. Personally, I don’t think it’ll probably do well, just because of the “Why did I end up here?” effect from expired domain traffic.
I was thinking about trying this out.
I have read a few of the feedback comments, I notice you all talk about conversion rate. I am sure we all have a wide variety of products and services to offer. I was wondering if anyone knows how Beauty and Health products are selling online these days, through programs like this.
Thank You.
Hi Thor, I haven’t heard of anyone trying that niche with Revisitors. Let us know how it works out, it’s entirely possible that different audiences will have different conversion rates, and your niche seems like it should have buyers in it.
I just started a test campaign with revisitors for 2500 hits to a squeeze page at It has a video that starts right away and asks to sign up for free informational videos.
I want to see if these are real people or just bulk garbage. I did the accelerated package so all 2500 hits will be done in seven days. I’ll leave another comment back here when its over with my results.
I’m a total newbie.
Could someone explain for me the difference between a “hit” and a “click-thru”? I thought they were the same thing. In other words, if you’re buying targeted vistors from a place like, doesn’t that mean they will send that many people to your website? Isn’t that a hit? Help. Thanks.
Hi Rick,
A “hit” is a visitor to your page. A “click through” is when one of the visitors to your page clicks a link on your page you want them to click. Not all the hits will click through. Generally the click throughs earn you something, or opt-in, etc.
Beware – This service is set up as a subscription and they will ding your account every month, read their terms and conditions – it is at the very bottom….
Yes, since my original review they changed to the subscription mode. It’s a bit unethical, since it isn’t very clear. You can cancel the subscription immediately in Paypal and avoid recurring charges, though.
So far, though, I haven’t found a particularly good use for Revisitors traffic. I keep meaning to do the targeted opt-in page, but never quite get around to it.
I’ve conducted my own campaign and found their traffic to adversely affect site stats. Time on site for referred visitors was around 10 seconds. Bounce rate was more than triple my average and there was no improvement on my CTR or registrations. You can read my full review at [url]http://dodisdodat.comurl].