Review of IMC’s Insider Secrets

I just received my $2.95 Internet marketing package via Federal Express yesterday.

The box is a hefty nine pounds, and has emblazoned across one end, “The ‘Insider Secrets’ to Marketing Your Business on the Internet, by Derek Gehl”. So if you want to keep your online activities secret from your neighbors, be around when Federal Express delivers.

The first thing you see when you open a box is a welcome letter, which is a nice touch. Beneath the welcome letter is an offer for a free phone consulation, for those who “prefer not to read this material”. That’s an interesting approach, but I’m sure it’s probably successful. The amount of material in the box could be intimidating, and offering the first phone consultation free is a good way to get people to call.

Beneath that is a page with some free PPC credits from Yahoo Search, ABC Search, and, for when you’re ready to start driving some traffic to your website. Beneath that, finally, is the quick start guide to the rest of the material. The quick start guide has ten steps.

  1. Market Research
  2. Writing Compelling Salescopy
  3. Designing a website that converts
  4. Getting traffic through search engines
  5. Other sources of traffic
  6. Building an opt-in list
  7. Increasing your profits
  8. Using affiliates to drive sales
  9. Creating a buzz
  10. Using social networking

All that’s covered through 90 lessons across six CDs, two large three-ring binders, and a two-foot by three-foot wall poster that lists the steps above to keep you motivated.

Needless to say, I haven’t read through all that yet!

I did skim through the first couple of steps in the first binder. The binder is solid, and the steps are all separated by tabs for easy reference. The first step, market research, is composed of ten lessons. Each lesson has some introductory material, some questions for you to think about, some examples of what other marketers have done, and action items for you to complete.

So far, the material looks solid. The glimpses into what other online marketers have done is helpful, since we all get blocked at times on our own ideas. Seeing what others have done can help to shake loose our own mental blocks.

I’m sure I’ll have more to say about this in the coming weeks, as I continue to read and evaluate the material.

I also just checked the sales page, and the $2.95 promotion is still going on if you want to get a copy for yourself. Click here to order yours.

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