POAD Team Removing Inactive Members

The POAD Team Exchange is now automatically removing members from the database who haven’t surfed in the last 30 days.

Presumably this applies to pro members, too, so if you have a membership at the exchange it’d be a good idea to stop in and surf now and then to keep your account active.

I’m not entirely sure of the reasoning behind this automatic pruning, since inactive referrals do no harm other than taking up space in the database. Removing them seems to eliminate any possibility that they’ll return and be active later…who would want to rejoin a program that has removed them without even so much as a warning?

Likely this is another of the growing pains that new programs go through. I’m getting decent results with the exchange, now that I’ve switched to advertising a program that isn’t being advertised by everyone else.

If you’d been signed up with POAD and had your account removed lately, you can click here to signup again if you want to give it another try.

My apologies for the shortness of posts the past couple of days. I’m hopeful that the flu will be gone next week and I’ll be able to devote more energy to the blog.

2 Replies to “POAD Team Removing Inactive Members”

  1. Joseph Tackett has a very short memory and his steps are to lead POAD -the power of a dollar – to become a scam soon. He canceled me and I lost my 8 affiliates too (?). No apologies, simply go out of here!! POAD was in a quandary for several weeks and suddenly Mr. Rightous comes in with his rules, WoW!! Paypal turned him down and I never got my money back.

    He set up a monthly membership at $11 but then he added his lifetime membership of $400 plus dollars and scared the hell out of everybody. Specially after losing the first investment. If you get burned once how fast you think you will jump to lose your money again? Do you think affiliates are stupid enough to wait for his second move? Come on we are very naive to expect Joseph Tackett is not preparing another move and blame it on somebody else.

    Why do you think his moves are so drastic?

  2. I’d agree, making a long-term investment in a program with the history of POAD would be a mistake. But using it as a traffic exchange to promote other programs while it lasts seems like a good idea to me.

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