I’ve changed WordPress themes, so if you’re reading this on a feed or through email, come to the blog to let me know what you think.
The new theme has a more graphical look and feel, as opposed to the straight text of the previous theme. I found that some of the features I wanted to add were causing the text theme to feel cluttered. The new theme has an a couple of additional sidebars to use, including a footer for rarely used widgets.
I’ve added a “top commentator” widget, so the people with the highest number of comments over the last 30 days will get a link in the sidebar to their website (assuming you entered one when you left your comment). This link is a “follow” link, as opposed to the “nofollow” links in the comments, so it’s a bit of a reward for contributing to the blog.
I’ve also added the MyBlogLog widget to show pictures of recent visitors from MyBlogLog (thanks for coming!) To see your picture there, go over to MyBlogLog.com and join up. There’s a free version of their service that’s very suitable for small blogs and includes some useful statistics.
The logo was designed by the great folks over at LogoDesignTeam.com. They came up with four or five initial designs based on very minimal input from me, and then put up with about a dozen edits before we ended up with the final result. I’d highly recommend them for anyone wanting a professionally done logo.
So, like it or hate it, let me know what you think of the new theme!