Make Money Online Reviews

I’ve decided to join the ranks of those bloggers who emulate John Chow in providing backlinks for reviews. In fact, I’ll pretty much just duplicate John’s offer. I’d love to just copy and paste his rules below, but I suspect he has much better lawyers than I do. So here are the rules:

You write a review of Online Opportunity, good, bad, or indifferent. Criticize my choice of colors, compliment me on the logo, or just ask why on earth I usually post at half-past midnight. It’s up to you. The only hard and fast requirements are:

  1. Link to the Online Opportunity homepage with the anchor text “make money online”
  2. Link to this post describing the rules of the review
  3. Your review should actually be a review, and not just a paragraph with the above links.

Here’s an example that would be appropriate as the start of a review:

Online Opportunity is a blog about how to make money online. And because Jay’s such a nice guy, he’ll give you a link back to your site if you review Online Opportunity.

What you get:

  1. Links from a PR 0 blog. This is a bit of a wildcard really. The blog had no backlinks during the last page rank update since I was in the process of putting it online, and now has backlinks from the likes of and others. How high could it go in the next update?
  2. The anchor text of your choice for a link to your blog’s main page.
  3. A link to your review of Online Opportunity using anchor text of my choice.

When you have posted your review, use my contact form or post a comment here letting me know where the review lives, and what anchor text you’d like for the link to your main page. And because I am such a nice guy, you can even request the anchor text “make money online”.

I’ll post a batch of reviews every week, generally Friday or Saturday.

5 Replies to “Make Money Online Reviews”

  1. Hi Lori, thanks for the review! This qualifies as an entry into my $100 review contest, too, so instead of just a backlink you’ll get a mini-review and a chance to win $100. Oh, and my view is that there are plenty of readers to go around for everyone. I’ll gladly direct some of mine over to your blog!

  2. I’m about off to bed here, 2:30am is a bit past my normal bedtime. Can’t seem to work the blogging in during the day, though, with a two-year old in the house.

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