The SBI buy one get one free special is coming to a close at midnight on Christmas day.
If you’d been considering getting an SBI site to try it out, this is the time to do it. The SBI process boils building a website that makes money down to a series of step by step instructions. You don’t need to know SEO, because the tools are programmed with the most effective techniques and will guide you.
There’s also a 30-day refund policy, so if you spend the next few weeks going through the process, and then decide that it’s a load of nonsense, you’ll get all your money back.
To get your two SBI sites for the price of one, click on the banner to the left.
Merry Christmas!
P.S. There will be no post on Christmas day, as I’ll be spending the day enjoying Christmas with my two-year old daughter. I hope you all have a terrific day!