As you add more and more content to a blog, you’re going to find yourself more and more surprised by the keywords people use in search engines to find you.
Here’s a selection of keywords used to find Online Opportunity over the past couple of months.
a hungry crowd: I was actually on page 7 for this search term when I checked. That’s one of the surprising things about looking at these keywords, some are quite deep in Google’s search results. I can only imagine that the person searching didn’t find what they were looking for on the first page.
make your own websyte 4 free: I was on page 2 for this misspelling of website. None of the results actually used the misspelling. Could be a niche!
get paid to click advertisements for 1 dollar per ad: I was #1 in Google when I checked, but have now dropped out of sight. Not sure what happened there, but it’s just as well since I only wish I knew how to get paid $1 per ad clicked.
make money just by filling forms without paying something: Lots of people out there looking to make money without spending money. I was on page 10 for this one, so they were looking hard for a solution and not finding one.
creating oppurtunity from nothing: #1 for Google for this misspelling. Not that I can help anyone create opportunity from nothing, but it’s nice that Google has such confidence in me.
online opportunity sleep autopilot: Page 2 when I checked, but not there now. I’m hoping this person wants to make money while they’re sleeping, and that they are not a pilot looking for autopiloting software. I was #3 when I checked, but am missing from the results now. I used this domain as an example in a post.
im 14 i want to earn money:
how are 14-year olds supposed to make money?: #4 when I checked, but not there now. This traffic is thanks to Carl Ocab posting a comment in my John Chow review post.
find a hungry crowd case study: #4 in Google, thanks to my Autopilot Profits review. I’m afraid that post didn’t help the searcher much.
randall cornett: on page 1 in Google. If you want to rank highly for someone else’s name, just use it freely in blog posts. Especially if it isn’t a common name to start with. I’m not quite sure why anyone would search on Randall’s name, though, and bypass his own blog in the #1 and #2 slots to get to this blog. Unless it was the big “$100” in the title of my blog post (that was my original review contest post).
Some of the things that struck me going through these keywords: first, many people are looking pretty deep into Google’s search results to find the blog. Second, when I first checked for many of these keywords, I ranked for them. When I just checked before posting this, I’d dropped out of the search results for some. Search engine results positioning is very fluid, and changes all the time.
You can try to optimize for specific keywords, but expect Google to change its mind quite frequently. And you’ll end up ranking for keywords you never expected based on chance phrases you use in your post, and on comments. So don’t spend too much time worrying about SEO. Do the basics, and write enough content that you’ll rank highly for something, even if you’re not sure what.
What strange keywords have people used to find your blog?
wow you are an sem guru… maybe you can share your seo tips to us.
I can’t claim guru status quite yet…not enough people pay me for my opinion! I do have some other posts on SEO, though, check out the category.
I accidentally used in my contest post last month titled OnlineOpportunity.Org – How to make money online. But for some reason I am ranked #1 for
I knew this would make an interesting post!
Sometimes, when searching, I randomly click on page 9 or 134, just to see what it’ll bring.
When I get search hits on my site from someone clicking on page 7 or 8, I wonder whether they came from a methodical search of pages 1-6, or a random click…
[quote post=”270″]When I get search hits on my site from someone clicking on page 7 or 8, I wonder whether they came from a methodical search of pages 1-6, or a random click…[/quote]
That’s a good point! I’ve done the same sometimes, so that could be where those hits are coming from.
[quote post=”270″]But for some reason I am ranked #1 for[/quote]
That’s a quick way to #1 in Google! One of these days I’ll have to see how much the current owner of wants for the domain. It’s a shame to see a nice domain just being parked.
These long tail keywords are some times funny. Since we are concentrating on specific keywords which has more searches, it is not possible to get rank first for these long tail keywords every time.
Today I got a hit from someone searching Google UK for “videos of men biting heads off frogs”. I wonder how disappointed he/she was to get MY G-rated blog!!!?
LOL That’s a pretty niche topic, I wonder if they ever found the videos?
Sometimes, I get blog post ideas from the keywords in the search analysis. (I have “quilt label templates” on my to-do list, because I get frequent hits for that term, and no quilt label templates to offer the searcher when she arrives…)
I think I’ll pass on providing this guy his video, though.