I’m sure all you EntreCard users out there have seen the announcement about the partnership with SezWho.
SezWho is a commenting service that will combine with EntreCard to earn you EntreCard credits for commenting on SezWho enabled blogs. I’m a bit skeptical about the whole thing, because the quality of EntreCard traffic is pretty bad already, this may just lead to a deluge of junk comments. Supposedly, you can rate down junk comments and the person who left them won’t receive EntreCard credits for it.
Personally, I want to test the integration between SezWho and the WordPress comment moderation system. WordPress does well at allowing me to not publish junk comments, so if SezWho plays nicely with WordPress, I shouldn’t have to worry too much about more spam.
I’m excited about some of the features of SezWho, including the ability to follow a specific individual’s comments across all SezWho enabled blogs. If someone leaves an especially good comment here, I can see what they’ve left elsewhere, too, and subscribe to their comments no matter where they leave them. It’s a bit like subscribing to a blog, but with comments instead.
SezWho has a lot of potential to create a sense of blogging community, but we’ll see how it goes. I’ve just enabled the plugin on this blog, so the theme integration may be a bit off until I get a chance to work with it more.
What do you think about SezWho?
Sez Who sounds interesting, thanks for the review. This is something that you install on your blog? I dont use Entre card so I am not so clear how this works.
Hi Nicole, it’s installed as of yesterday. Basically, SezWho just tracks comments you make at any SezWho enabled blog. The Entrecard tie in is an extra benefit for those users.
The “Who Am I?” link next to your name in the comments was added by SezWho, and will show all the comments you’ve made on this blog (and others, I think, if you’re a SezWho user).
I didn’t try it out because it seemed that everyone’s blog that had this plugin was loading so slowly. Now it seems to be loading fine. I may give it a go seeing this change.
Hi Connie! I haven’t experienced any problems, so maybe it was a temporary server issue on their end.