I’ve been getting this spam comment showing up in my Akismet folder lately:
Our young daughter had adopted a stray cat. To my distress, he began to use the back of our new sofa as a scratching post. “Don’t worry,” my husband reassured me. “I’ll have him trained in no time.”
I watched for several days as my husband patiently “trained” our new pet. Whenever the cat scratched, my husband deposited him outdoors to teach him a lesson.
The cat learned quickly. For the next 16 years, whenever he wanted to go outside, he scratched the back of the sofa.
Immediately followed by links to sex sites. I have to admit, if I’m going to get spammed, it’s nice to get a laugh out of it.
On a sad note, the Trackback Submitter comments keep coming like clockwork, always that same one line misspelled comment. You’d think the software would have some way to verify if comments were getting through, and stop submitting them if not.
Ah, the joys of being a blogger!
It is really a nice spam. But this technique will definitely potty train a cat coz I tried different technique to made it pee outside… (hope this is not spam)
I had not had the fortune of having any spam like that yet. But I will be sure to share any and all funny spam I cross.
Hi Kadir, luckily, your comment didn’t end up in the spam folder!
I got one simular to this today. I also received two that said somthing along the lines of, this is exactly what I thought I would find when i read the title_____ Thanks for the great post. The funny thing was that it came from different IP address, used the same email, name, and site but one of the title names was wrong. This is how I caught this one as a spam. I let the first one go because I thought that they were complimenting me and then when I seen the second one, it kind of bursted my bubble.
[quote post=”275″]I also received two that said somthing along the lines of, this is exactly what I thought I would find when i read the title_____ Thanks for the great post. [/quote]
Yes, that’s left by automatic software. It’s designed to get backlinks to the submitter, and isn’t a very nice thing to do.
That’s funny; I noticed that same comment on a lot of the big blogs lately.
Maybe you should take it as a compliment, both because you have a blog big enough to get attacked by it, and because the big guys have approved it without noticing it, but you did!
I was flattered, at first, until I realized that it was spamming the bejeeweez out of me. I thought that they really enjoyed my stuff but then when i realized this, it sort up made my big head go away. I guess that it’s good for the ego.
It’s important not to swing too far in the opposite direction, too. When I received my first request to review a book, I thought it was SPAM. I read it three times aloud to my husband, before realizing it was a legitimate offer.