Entrecard Widget Up & Planned Site Changes

I’m belatedly giving Entrecard a try, so the widget is in the far right sidebar.

Feel free to drop your card. I’m still getting a sense for how it all works, but I’ll likely be fairly discriminating when approving ads. I’m happy to show cards for visitors, but anyone purchasing a spot without visiting the site will need to be a site I feel is valuable to my readers.

(A side note…mere seconds after putting the widget on my sidebar, I had one visitor who had dropped their card, and about 8 people who wanted to advertise their card without visiting…new members have a very low advertising rate until Entrcard can see how many people are dropping cards, so probably get hit hard at first.)

In other site news, I’m going to be reworking my top menu bar soon. The “Featured Opportunities” page hasn’t been updated in ages, and I’m going to replace it with “Free Courses”. This will link to my own email courses, and to any others that I feel I can personally recommend. If you have a free course that you’d like featured on the new page when it goes live, use the contact form to let me know.

My criteria for courses is that they provide truly useful information, and any affiliate linking is soft sold. I’ll review any courses personally before they go up on the page.

The “Recommended Websites” page is also long overdue for a change, but I’m not sure yet what I’ll do with that, so for now it’ll stay as is.

3 Replies to “Entrecard Widget Up & Planned Site Changes”

  1. Changing your Featured to Free will be good! I’ll have to browse some of my tutorials and such to see if there’s something I can add.

    Welcome to the Entrecard world! I’ve gotten lots of traffic from them, some good-some not so good but it’s worth for those few readers I do gain!
    I just dropped mine, hopefully I’m worthy;)

  2. Hi Lori, you’re definitely on the pre-approved list! Anything you want to advertise via Entrecard on my blog is fine with me.

    [quote post=”476″]I’ll have to browse some of my tutorials and such to see if there’s something I can add.[/quote]

    Definitely let me know…I’m working on an e-course on writing niche websites right now. Once that’s done, I’ll create the new page. That’ll probably be a few weeks, at the rate that I’m going.

  3. I agree with being selective when approving the EntreCard Ads. I’ve just joined also, and it seems there is a slew of ‘make money online’ blogs still trying to go after that overdone niche. I don’t want to be seen as a mmo blog. And I seriously don’t want to send my visitors to them either. I’d rather support more unique niches.

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