Be Careful When Picking A Niche

As an Internet Marketer, it’s tempting to pick niches solely based on supply and demand.

That’s how I picked the niche for my neglected niche site I’ve talked about before. Of course, I didn’t know as much then as I do now about what makes a good keyword pick for a niche, so the site doesn’t get as much traffic as I’d like. But it does get traffic, and does earn money.

I took the time to make a site that satisfies Google’s criteria by giving it a privacy policy, a contact form, the works.

The problem is that it’s a niche that makes sense to monetize through affiliate programs to grant writing services, such as Uncle Sam’s Money.

Think for a moment about the sort of people who are looking for information on getting money for free from the government. These are typically people in trouble, who desperately need help. They often represent organizations who need help quickly to remain afloat.

And these people all use the contact form to ask for help.

If I cared less about people, I could just ignore the emails or filter them into a trash folder. But if I were that sort of person I wouldn’t be writing an advertising free blog about making money online. So I answer the emails, trying to help them get answers to their questions. This always involves doing some web research to find a website that will really answer their question, since mine is a typical Made For Adsense site…it provides enough content to attract search engines and to justify affiliate links, but nothing original.

This is another reason that a quality niche site on a topic you love is a great idea. Whatever niche you pick is one where you’ll be able to truly help your visitors, because of your passion and your knowledge. Picking a niche solely on the basis of supply and demand and throwing up a typical MFA site is bound to disappoint a large percentage of your visitors.

So pick a niche based on where your passion truly is, and you’ll be able to help your visitors at the same time as you’re earning yourself a living.

One Reply to “Be Careful When Picking A Niche”

  1. Thank you for such a valuable post. many people like myself now know how to pick a niche besides our personal brand. Now I have some guidance on how to pick my secondary blog topic.

    Please keep the value coming 🙂

    ~David Saunders

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