Article Marketing for Traffic Generation

Getting people to visit your web page is a big deal.

After all, if people don’t visit, they can’t read what you’re written or buy what you’re selling. One way to get people to visit your web site is to write an article on a related topic and then have other websites publish that article. If people like what you say in the article, they’ll probably visit your website to hear more.

There are lots of article distribution sites online. I’ll talk about two. is a well respected article directory, especially by Google. also places your article on their website, so you can start getting some search engine traffic even before other websites pick up the article. Since Google respects, your articles will rank highly in Google’s search results. is a submission service. They do not host your article themselves, but will submit it to websites and mailing lists that have signed up to receive articles on your article’s topic. Those websites and mailing lists will then use your article if it interests them.’s main selling point is that they provide a human review of your article prior to sending it out, and will make suggestions for improving it.

Regardless of where you put your article, there are a couple of key points to remember.

First, pick a good keyword to center your article around. Part of your traffic will come from search engine results, so you want to make sure that the title of your article contains a relevant keyword people will use for searching.

Second, do not try to sell anything in the body of the article. Every article will also have an “about the author” section where you can do your selling. In the article itself, provide genuinely useful or interesting information for your target audience. That will motivate them to come to your website to see what else you have to say.

Good luck, and let me know what success you have writing articles!

2 Replies to “Article Marketing for Traffic Generation”

  1. Actually has been the biggest fraud for me, I bought the service, and they turn down every article you write, You submit it and they make you wait 2 days to review it, they they give you a BS reason why it does not work, and so on and so on. Write now it has take my 9 days to submit one article, I already missed my window AND I actually payed the bozos for the membership… run from this company!

  2. Mike,

    Thanks for the heads up on ArticleMarketer! I hadn’t gotten around to trying them yet (I’ve been using EzineArticles), but their promotional material sounded great.


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