The April contest at The Advisory Panel is over. If you missed out, though, the contest happens every month and rewards activity at the forum.
The winner each month receives their choice of one of the following packages. Each package has an approximate value of $100.
Site Promotion Package
A site review on my blog, a month long banner on my blog, an article or two promoting the site, and perhaps some sponsored reviews on other blogs in the same niche, some paid ad banners on other blogs, etc. Basically, anything that can be done to help improve traffic to the winner’s blog or web site is fair game.
Niche Blog Startup
A year’s worth of hosting for a new blog, keyword research to identify a profitable niche, complete setup of a WordPress based blog, a custom header graphic, SEO optimized, personal mentoring, etc. At the end of the year the blog should be making enough profit to switch to paid hosting, and I’ll handle the technical end of the switch.
Blog Makeover
Working with the winner to figure out where they want to take their blog, identifying a theme that will help them get there, a custom header graphic, custom PHP/CSS work to make the theme do whatever extra they need, etc. If you have an existing blog that isn’t quite doing what you want, or looking as professional as you’d like, this is the package for you.
How Do You Win?
You win by being active on the Advisory Panel forum. Activity means logging in, posting, replying, rating threads, etc. Junk posts will be deleted, so spamming the forum just to show activity won’t help.
The winner in April won with approximately 2 posts made per day. That’s easily doable just by logging in and replying to posts where you have something to say, or making a post asking a question about something you’re having trouble accomplishing.
See you there!