POAD Team Pro Upgrades Available

The POAD Team traffic exchange (previously known as the Power of a Dollar exchange) is now offering pro upgrades.

At $11 a month, the pro upgrade gives you 60 surfing credits each month, increased commissions from your referrals’ purchases, a better surfing ratio for your own surfing, and free referrals from people who join the site without a referrer.

The price isn’t out of line for pro upgrades at exchanges. The number of surfing credits you receive seems small, but remember that each visitor is reading your page to answer your question, so the value you get from each visitor should be higher than at a typical exchange.

They also offer a lifetime pro upgrade, currently priced at $497. In addition to the pro upgrade, you get a bunch of software and other bonuses. Since it would take a bit over three and a half years to get to $497 at the normal monthly upgrade cost, I don’t see the lifetime upgrade as a good deal. Especially for a new exchange that might not be around in two years, let alone four.

On the other hand, to get started with the POAD Team traffic exchange and push some visitors to your site to see if the whole concept of the exchange works for you, a single month’s upgrade gives you instant credits to work with.

If you can’t make a sale with 60 visitors who are reading your page, that’s probably a good indicator that what you’re selling doesn’t appeal to the POAD Team crowd, and you can cancel your subscription.

I’d be interested in hearing what other people’s results are with the exchange.

The September “No Contest” Contest

With the fall semester still getting into swing, I don’t have the time to manage a contest like August’s or the creativity to come up with a cute angle.

So September is the “No Contest” contest. The winner will be randomly chosen from amongst the people on the top commentators’ list just after midnight (EST), September 30th, 2007. That’s a maximum of ten pieces of paper I need to make up for my high tech contest system.

You don’t have to be at the top of the list, just somewhere in it. Since the two bottom entries in the list right now have 1 comment each, this should be an easy contest to enter. Just leave a comment or two, and the chances are good you’ll be entered.

The prize?

What about a discount on two years of premium quality web hosting at Site 5? Here’s the deal: Site 5 has a terrific web hosting deal where, by paying for two-years in advance, you can get the price down to $5 a month for more space and bandwidth than you’ll ever use.

Since I’m an affiliate of Site 5, if the contest winner buys through my link I get a commission. I’ll forward that commission back to the winner, giving them an effective discount. The exact amount they’ll get back depends on which hosting package they end up choosing.

And if the contest winner doesn’t need web hosting? We’ll work out another prize that’s mutually satisfactory.

Million Dollar Wiki

I’m sure you’ve all heard about the Million Dollar Wiki by now.

If not, here’s the short version: a guy named Graham wants to pay off his debt and open a bar in Boston, so he decides to start a wiki and sell pages on it at $100 each. He’s currently sold 445 pages as of this writing.

Why should you want to buy a page?

Well, Graham says the page will stay up for a minimum of 15 years. That’s about $7 a year. Since the concept is new, the Million Dollar Wiki is getting a lot of attention, which means visits for your page. You can use the page like you would a Squidoo lens, to either sell something or direct visitors to your main site, or both.

Pages on the wiki are sold based on keyword, which becomes part of the page’s URL and title. John Chow snapped up the page for make money online, predictably enough. The most popular page so far is one about Socially Responsible Business.

You can put Adsense on your pages, you can track them with Google Analytics, the works. You can even, if you want to, use iframes to put a forum in the page.

At $7 a year, I couldn’t resist. I picked up the page for the keyword Make Money Online Free and put together a first draft at a page designed to highlight various free money opportunities available online.

Have a keyword you’ve always wanted to rank for on Google? Check out the Million Dollar Wiki and see if it’s available there.

August Contest Results

The August “Win Me As A Slave” contest results are in!

You can see the number of entries each contestant had at the scoreboard post. I again used the high-tech method of writing entries on pieces of paper and drawing them out of a bucket. Before I do another contest that will have multiple entries per person, I need to write a computer program to automate that part!

I’m pleased to announce that the winner, as drawn randomly from the bucket, was Lori!

Lori gets me as her own slave for a task that requires up to a few hours (all at once, or spread out). From previous comments Lori’s made, I suspect that will mean setting up WordPress for her, complete with my spam-free settings and favorite plugins.

Congratulations Lori, and contact me via email once you’re ready to collect.

Also, Bohemian Bloggers never responded to emails notifying them they won one of the articles from the July contest (the danger of a Yahoo email address?), so I randomly drew between the two remaining blogs for that category. And the new winner is Tyson, over at Some Make Money.

Tyson, you’ll get a custom written article posted at EzineArticles.com, linking to two URLs of your choosing.

The Power of 10 Review

I ran across the Power of 10 the other day.

It’s an Internet marketing newsletter that claims you can generate $111,110 in 60 days. The newsletter is in prelaunch right now, but is supposed to launch Sept 4th. Unless you’re new to Internet marketing, you know that “prelaunch” really means, “get enough members so we can justify writing the newsletter”. I’ve timed this post to be published Sept 3rd, so you’ll have time to sign up before the first newsletter goes out.

As a bonus, they pay you $1 for every subscriber you refer to them. It gets better…you also get $1 for each subscriber one of your referrals refers. All the way down 5 levels. That’s where the $111,110 comes from, assuming you refer 5 people, they refer 5 people, and so on. You are limited to making a bit over $200,000, because they’ll only pay for a certain number of referrals on each level (unlimited on first level, 100 on second level, 1,000 on third level, and so on).

All told, they’re paying out $5 per subscriber. This tells you that they feel they can make money from the subscribers. There will be some links in the newsletter that will earn them money when you buy through them. What distinguishes a great newsletter from spam is whether their reviews are unbiased. We’ll have to see.

They’re also making money on the back end, by only making payments through Piggy-eBank.com. Dig a little on both sites, and you’ll see that they’re owned by the same people. Again, nothing wrong with that, it’s only smart to make sure you get money out of your visitors in as many ways as possible.

The fact that they’re funneling payments through their own payment processor is encouraging for the content of the newsletter. They’re clearly not beginners at Internet marketing, and have some experience to share.

So how does the 60 days figure into it? Well, when you sign up there’s a One Time Offer. You can pay $10 to have the earnings limit removed, and that also gets you into their rotator. They guarantee that you’ll get 10 referrals from their rotator, which will pay you your $10 back. If each of your referrals also paid the $10 to get into the rotator, you’d quickly get a decent amount of cash.

Note that there’s currently a delay in deposits being processed through Piggy-eBank.com, so it’s likely you won’t be able to sign up for the OTO anyway.

Click here to sign up for the newsletter.

Update: on September 4th, they changed the launch date to be September 25th. This isn’t the first time they’ve pushed the launch back. Given that their back office lists over 7,500 subscribers, it makes you wonder why the delay. Either they’re having technical issues, which is always possible, or they’re holding out for more subscribers.

Blogger Giving Away A Car?

Well, sort of. Prija, over at Cash for Comments is also the person behind Blogging The Movie.

As part of the promotion for Blogging The Movie, he’ll be giving away a Scion TC. The idea is that such an outrageous giveaway will create a lot of buzz for the movie and get people excited about it.

The catch is that he needs you to pay for the car. He’s offering 500 sponsorships, at $100 each. For that you get two reviews of your blog, advertising on the car itself, a permanent link on the contest page, and a chance to be part of blogging history. The money goes to buy the car for the giveaway, another for his sister, and the rest to pay for the filming of Blogging the Movie.

I’ve got to give Prija credit, he doesn’t do anything halfway. Regardless of what you might think about helping to pay for his sister’s car, the $100 sponsorship isn’t way out of line for the two reviews and permanent link.

One question I had after reading the contest page was, how long will the domain ads be displayed on the cars? He can, perhaps, get his sister to leave hers on while she’s at college. The winner of the other car, though, probably will paint it as soon as they can afford to do so.

Anyway, go over to the contest page to read all about it.